an open house: back yard
kitchen | family room | laundry/hall | back bath & bedroom
| front hall & bath | workroom | living
Here's what the back of the house looks like -- that laundryroom door to
the right has its own steps, which the brick pile is getting in the way
Also note TV
antenna restoration/fine-tuning, in progress. We've jumped to New
Year's day with these pictures (actually, we did with the Christmas tree
one); I took these backyard pics in between running inside to check how
the latest adjustment made the TV look, now.
You may notice the blown-down trellis both here and in the next shot.
Said trellis used to run across the top and down the sides of the carport
(the center section with the busted-out plastic windows, which by the way
have been broken out for a long time; the storm did not do that). The
little garage to the left side is the original one, although it hasn't
hosted a car since I'm not sure when. The washing machines used to live
in there, before they were moved to the house when my grandma started
getting more fragile. Grandpa only ever parked his car in the
carport, within my memory.
That ripped-up gap in the bricks is from when we got a new water main pipe, recently. Our current imaginings replace the bricks with a lawn, which would sort of return it to the way I knew it as a child (except without a large elm tree in the middle of it, with a swing).
Patio terrace. I like it. Needs new furniture though, and a bit of
jungle-clearing, IMHO.
The sideyard off the patio. This area of fence is falling down worse than
The garden area. This is getting a bit jungly too, in its own way. I'd
love to adjust this into some kind of Mediterranean-ish
gravelly-walk-among-garden-plots, with maybe a small fountain against the
wall. These are relatively long-term imaginings, of course. Also, we'd
need to do something about the neighbor's jungle encroaching from the
other side.
The other sideyard. The TV antenna landed just inside the gate, despite
the fact that its anchor is much closer to this near corner of the house
than that far one.